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User:Theleekycauldron/Scripts/DYK move protector.py

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Copyright (c) 2023 theleekycauldron

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import pywikibot as pwb
import datetime as dt
from datetime import datetime
import re

list_file = "C:\\Users\\claud\\Desktop\\Programming\\Toolforge\\moveprotectorlist.txt" #This file stores a list of protected page if updates are necessary – change my path!
site = pwb.Site('en','wikipedia')
update_time = dt.timedelta(seconds=int(pwb.Page(site,"User:DYKUpdateBot/Time Between Updates").text)) #time between DYK updates
next_update = datetime.strptime(pwb.Page(site,"Template:Did you know/Next update/Time").text,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")+update_time #next update time
next_queue = pwb.Page(site,"Template:Did you know/Queue/Next").text #next queue on the main page
tag = " [DYK move protector v1.0.0]"

def load_list(): #gets the list of protected articles and their expiration dates from the list
    f = open(list_file,'r').read().splitlines()
    res = {}
    for line in f: #should look like "C. J. Cregg || 2023-02-02 11:17:31"
        line = line.split(" || ")
        res[line[0]] = datetime.strptime(line[1],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    return res

def load_queues(): #gets a dictionary of all bolded articles from the queues
    page_list = ["Template:Did you know"] + [f"Template:Did you know/Queue/{i}" for i in range(1,8)]
    res = {}
    for page_title in page_list:
        res[page_title] = []
        page = pwb.Page(site,page_title)
        text = page.text
            hooktext = text[text.index("<!--Hooks-->"):text.index("<!--HooksEnd-->")].splitlines()[1:]
        except ValueError as e:
            print("error analyzing queue")
        for hook in hooktext:
            res[page_title] += [a[0].capitalize() + a[1:] for a in re.findall(r"'''\[\[([^\|\]]+)(?:\||\]\])",hook)] #find all bolded articles and stick 'em in
    return res

def queue_multiplier(a): #Returns the number to multiply the timedelta by to get the expiry time; Main Page is 0, next queue is 1, next-but-one queue is 2, etc.
    res = 0 if a == "w" else 7-(6-int(a)+int(next_queue))%7
    print("Main Page:" if a == "w" else f"Queue {a}:",res)
    return res #"w" is the last letter of "Template:Did you know", the rest of the formula derives the queue's place in the line of succession
def main():
    queues = load_queues()
    articles_protected = load_list()
    articles_to_unprotect = load_list() #We need two copies of the dict to run concurrent modification
    list_write = {} #Creating loading on the list
    for queue in queues: #Applying protection, queue-by-queue
        expiry_time = next_update + update_time*queue_multiplier(queue[-1]) #Calculates the expiry time
        for article in queues[queue]: #protecting pages
            site.protect(pwb.Page(article),{'move': 'sysop'},"Protecting page for upcoming DYK appearance"+tag,expiry=expiry_time)
            print("protection for",article,"until",expiry_time)
            list_write[article] = datetime.strftime(expiry_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") 
        for article in articles_protected: #culling a list of articles that need to be unprotected
            if article in queues[queue]:
                del articles_to_unprotect[article] #if we've just protected it, it doesn't need to be unprotected
    for article in articles_to_unprotect: #unprotecting articles that have been pulled from queue
        now = datetime.now()
        if articles_to_unprotect[article]<=now: #if the expiry point has passed, no need to unprotect
        site.protect(site.protect(pwb.Page(article),{'move': ''},"Unprotecting pulled DYK article"+tag)
        print("unprotection for",article)
    list_write = "\n".join([f"{n} || {list_write[n]}" for n in list_write])
    f = open(list_file,'w')
if __name__ == "__main__":