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  • Somebody nicked my Gosford Park userbox!! If you nicked it - please put it back!
    • Please DO NOT nick anything from my userpage, or make any changes on here!
      • This is MY page and I'd like to keep it that way. Thanks.

About me[edit]

I am fairly new to Wikipedia. I have read many articles on both the German and the English sites, and have made a few minor changes here and there. But I have never written an article of my own. I'd be glad for any help! My job is civil and pedestrian. Nothing exciting at all but I hope to change that sometime soon.

My Readinglist[edit]

I love to read. I was taught to read from an early age and have always enjoyed it more than other things. (Though that is not to say that I am boring, or have no other hobbies!) I am a member of Bookmooch and can only recommend it as a way of getting rid of unwanted books (and finding new ones that you do want). I also believe that books make great presents and would like to be able to buy all the books that I see! (And store them, and find the time to read them too.)

May I share with you here my current reading list:

Dec 2007 / Jan 2008

Jan 2008

Feb 2008

Mar 2008

April 2008

-- I haven't managed to read anywhere near as many books as I would have liked to this year, yet. There just never seems to be enough time... "work" and "life" seem to always get in the way.

May 2008

-- I am having the hardest time with P&P. I have never spent this much time on any paperback, ever. But I am nearing the end of it now and as I don't like leaving books unfinished or half-read, I will knuckle down now and finish this.....

June 2008

-- Started and put away a couple of books. Can't seem to concentrate on anything properly. My life is a bit of a mess right now and even though reading has always offered a certain amount of escapism for me, I can't seem to get stuck into one particular book at the moment.

July 2008

-- I finally gave up on P&P. It's too much, I can't take it anymore!! I have instead started on

August 2008

-- Haven't had a whole lot of time to do any reading recently. I have a wedding to organise and some cross stitch to do for that!

September 2009

Finally finished 'Liebe in den Zeiten der Cholera' yesterday. Jeez, that was a long-winded book if ever I read one! Could have done with about 1/3 less text. Started on

is a lovely children's book that I read and re-read as a child, many times over. I recently thought back to it but could not remember the title nor the author's name! All I could remember were bits from the story. I found a different book by the author in a street sale a few weeks ago and looked her up on the internet, only to discover that it was she who had written my much-loved book which I couldn't remember the title of. I bought it second-hand and read it in one go.

October 2008

Other hobbies[edit]

of mine include travelling, my two cats, doing cross stitch, surfing the net, and lots more. Having said that and just to get back to the original theme, I want to dedicate more time this year to reading and re-organising my book collection.

I am also an active member of an amateur dramatics group. Within the group, I have done several jobs on various productions - acting, stage management, publicity, set building / painting, and Front of House.

One of my favourite playwrights is Bertolt Brecht.

As I said above, I enjoy travelling. I have been to most Western European countries and a couple Eastern ones, too. Here's a selection, from memory, of places I've been to: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, UK ... and I once spent a day in Northern Africa, and three months in Australia.

I got married last year and we spent our honeymoon in Madeira.