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Ace!Erich Hartmann was the highest ranking ace ever, with 352 kills.
NHSIn the North Hollywood shootout, 2 bank robbers fought off dozens of police and 375 were at the scene.
ZepplinThe Hindenburg was only 65 feet shorter than the HMS Titanic.
F-22 V Flyer IThe Flyer I had 13 Horse power and went 30 miles per hour. The F-22 Raptor has 35,000 pounds of thrust and can go more than mach 2.
Star Wars Gone?During the making to Star Wars Episode IV, it was threatened to be pulled off the screen because there were no credits in the beginning!
High casualtiesDuring WWI, 1 in 4 pilots would die in training and the avg. life span of a pilot was 3 weeks!
Do335The Dornier Do-335 had to props and had a top speed of 470 miles per hour.
Glacier GirlDuring WWII, a flight of P-38 Lightnings crashed in Greenland and got frozen in a glacier, one of them got out 50 years later and still flies.