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9/1/09 Heard radio show on ruling by supreme court of ohio making off-schedule breaks for lactating mothers to express milk legally unprotected. I researched the court on wiki and found info terribly lacking on newest justice Robert R. Cupp. I used project vote smart, findlaw.com and the Ohio State Constitution. I added some personal, some career experience and the constitutional age limit to the page.

I also added responses from his most recent vote smart National Political Awareness Test taken before his 1996 senate re-electin campaign on a few key controversial issues such as education deregulation, [[[abortion]] and the criminalization of discrimination by sexual orientation. I was painstakingly careful to remain neutral and avoid weasle words, but really I don't know them all and I could have flubbed it since I am very strongly pro-choice although totally disgusted by its use for basic birth control.

Much more can be done still.

In research on his Ohio Senate President pro-tempore, I found the list of presidents needs work to clarify the changing titles for the senate leadership. Other state's lists (ny, ca, tx) had odd importance assessment. Tx lt. gov. is more important than the gov and the page looks fairly complete but the importance is graded "low"! Elisevil (talk) 12:57, 1 September 2009 (UTC)