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Thor's Fight with the Giants (1872) by Mårten Eskil Winge.

Odin was going to make Stormbreaker for himself. All of Stormbreaker's traits were to increase Odin's abilities strength speed and also allow Odin to travel the universe without the Bifrost. Stormbreaker it self is so powerful it has the Odin force with in it, but the MCU let Odin die before he was able to get his new ALL-POWERFUL-GOD-WEAPON. Stormbreaker increases Thor's strength by 1000 x his normal power and strength of Odin himself. Thor can now travel across the universe just from a thought. Thor can now throw and banish people to other realms like his father. Thor is now truly unstoppable.

Thor's new weapon, Stormbreaker, and it's more powerful than anyone would have believed; incredibly, Stormbreaker has the potential to destroy entire worlds. One of the most powerful weapons ever created by the Dwarven King Eitri, this enchanted ax can manipulate raw energy from the universe itself. It appears to be bonded to Thor, and just grasping it allowed the God of Thunder to heal at an accelerated rate. screan rant

Odin Borson   First apperead in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is first mentioned in Journey into Mystery #85 (Oct. 1962), then first appears in Journey into Mystery #86 (Nov. 1962), and was adapted from the Odin of Norse mythology by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. He is the father of Thor and former king of Asgard. Sir Anthony Hopkins portrayed Odin in the 2011 superhero feature film, Thor, and reprised his role in the 2013 and 2017 sequels, Thor: The Dark World, and  Thor: Ragnarok, respectively.

Odin In the MCU is so powerfull he is one of the elders of the universe. So powerfull if he was alive he himself could have killed Thanos. That is why Thanos hid on the other side of the universe and waited for Odins death to start his quest for the infinity stones.

Fictional character biography[edit]

According to Norse mythology, Odin is the son of Bor (father, one of the first Asgardians) and Bestla (mother, a frost giantess), and the full brother of Vili and Ve. With the aid of his brothers, a young Odin defeats the fire demon Surtur;[1] later, Odin reveals that his brothers were killed by Surtur, but gave their power to Odin. Later Surtur was imprisoned inside the Earth.[2] Odin thereafter became ruler of Asgard, where he received the epithet of All-Father, and eventually fell in love with the elder goddess, Gaea, by whom he is the father of Thor. After Thor's birth, Odin returns to Asgard, where his wife, Frigga, acts as Thor's mother. Odin is also the adoptive father of Loki, a child of Giant ancestry whose father King Laufey is killed by Odin in battle:[3] adopted in a deal with Bor's spirit, unaware of Bor's intention that the child would bring about Odin's downfall.[4] Despite Odin's intentions, Thor and Loki become bitter enemies. Odin also was the father of Balder by Frigga.[5]

  1. ^ Journey Into Mystery #99 (December 1963)
  2. ^ Thor #349 (November 1984)
  3. ^ Journey into Mystery #112 (January 1965)
  4. ^ Thor vol. 3, #7–8 (May – June 2008)
  5. ^ Thor vol. 3, #9 (July 2008)