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As a Senegalese student, I am trying to fill in the many gaps in knowledge of Senegalese Islam being covered on Wikipedia.

I have created several articles on prominent religious leaders in Senegal, most notably the Mouride caliphs.



Interest in religions and cultures[edit]

I am fascinated by many different religions and cultures, both traditional and new religious movements (NRMs).

From time to time, I also edit articles on religions and movements that were formed relatively recently.


Although my family heritage is Sunni Muslim, I am secular and am not affiliated with any religious organizations or movements. I study religions and communities from a scientific, sociological perspective and do not necessarily support the beliefs, opinions, or actions of any of the religions or communities that I write about on Wikipedia.

About Africa[edit]

Africa is on the move. If you want to know the future of the world, look to Africa.

We are rising, but we still have a ways to go.