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Drizzt Do'Urden (/ˈdrɪtst dˈɜːrdɪn/) is a fictional character in the Forgotten Realms setting based on the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. Drizzt was originally created by author R. A. Salvatore as a supporting character in the Icewind Dale Trilogy. Salvatore created him on a whim when his publisher needed to replace another character in Salvatore's first novel, The Crystal Shard. Drizzt has since become a popular heroic character of the Forgotten Realms setting, featured as the main character of a long series of books, starting chronologically with The Dark Elf Trilogy. As a non-archetypal drow, Drizzt has forsaken both the evil ways of his people and their home (in the Underdark, in the drow city of Menzoberranzan).

Drizzt's story is told in Salvatore's fantasy novels: The Icewind Dale Trilogy, The Dark Elf Trilogy, the Legacy of the Drow series, the Paths of Darkness series, The Hunter's Blades Trilogy, and the short stories "The Dowry" and "Dark Mirror." All of the novels featuring Drizzt have made the New York Times Best Seller list. A number of the novels have been adapted as graphic novels by Devils Due Publishing. Drizzt has also been featured in some D&D-based role-playing video games, including the Baldur's Gate Series and Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone.