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window.results ??= await (await fetch(`${window.location.href.split('/').slice(0, 7).join('/')}/api/competitions/all?${new URLSearchParams({query:'Meeting Hauts-de-France Pas-de-Calais'})}`, {
  "headers": { "authorization": auth },
results.divs.flatMap(div => div.tables).flatMap(table => table.body).toReversed().map((r, i) => `| {{ord|${i+1}}} || [[${r.startDate.slice(0, 4)} Meeting Hauts-de-France Pas-de-Calais]] || {{dts|${r.startDate}}} ||<ref>{{tilr|${r.competitionId}}}</ref>`).join('\n|-\n')
// [...Array(2024 - 1908)].map((_, i) => `| {{ord|1}} || [[${1908 + i} Millrose Games]] || {{dts|${1908 + i}|abbr=y}} ||`).join('\n|-\n')